Product update: January 24

19. Jan 2024

Discover the new releases for myFitApp. Below are updates to the product from December 23 and January 24.

1. In-app Campaigns

A cockpit user has the ability to build a new type of Marketing Automation campaign labelled as “In-app messaging”. This is a pop up style image configured by you with the option to have an image, text and/or a clickable action.

The pop up can be displayed based on one of three triggers 1) app opening 2) homescreen landing 3) module opening. The visibility frequency is also configurable, for example one time, 1x per week, 1x per month.

This feature is part of our Marketing Automation+ option, please get in touch with our team to upgrade or find out more.

App screens with marketing messages

2. Additional cockpit Marketing Automation fields

When configuring Marketing Automation campigns there are new fields to provide additional information. 

You will see a new field in the Messages screen labelled “Last Modified By” this will display the name of the user who last made a chnage to the campaign.

We have also added information icons to explain the calculations for the Sent, Viewed and Actioned data columns

Marketing automation fields

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