Why are existing customers so important?

Why are existing customers so important?

Why are existing


so important?

In the fitness world we often hear of centres with a lack of new customers or a decline in new memberships. As a result, changes, marketing and offers are geared towards attracting new customers.

Acquiring new customers is definitely an essential part of a functioning marketing strategy for fitness centres, but few talk about the members who stay – even during the hard times. Since the pandemic, the differences have become apparent; centres that are only trying to attract new customers vs those trying to keep a relationship with current customers by creating options for their members.

Realigning your focus

Focusing on existing customers is cheaper than focusing only on new customers. Winning new memberships can be expensive and time-consuming. Marketing campaigns and offers cost time, money and effort. New members also mean more effort for your trainers, and you’ll need to continue to manage to keep these members.

Therefore, it is essential to focus on member retention. Our fitness business platform myFitApp can help you succeed with customer retention.

Social interaction

People trust people 😁. This means that any social interaction binds members to your gym.

Over 50% of customers are more likely to renew their contract if they train with friends and take part in classes or even make new friends in your centre. Contact with your trainers and staff also promotes member loyalty.

With our myFitApp@home platform, members can stay in touch through chat in streams and motivate and support each other. They can also make appointments for training or livestreams. In addition, they can train with their favourite trainers, unique to your gym.

Consistent communication

Here is where your marketing campaigns and other communications come into play. Interaction and touchpoints via social media, App messages, etc. double the likelihood of members becoming your brand ambassadors.

Through myFitApp, you can reach members anytime, anywhere. With news and updates on class changes, they are always up to date. Our Event Schedule helps your members book classes on their own and is a reliable source of information about when, where and with which trainer classes are taking place. 

Through Marketing Automation, members receive the latest information and updates about your gym or leisure centre directly on their lock screen. And most importantly, they see if there are any unread messages as soon as they open the App. This creates a closeness and involves members in the gym activities.

Everyone benefits

All of these factors lead to your members remaining loyal to your centre. They are satisfied, which increases the likelihood that they will promote your gym and become brand ambassadors.

This is made very easy with our Lead Generation solution.With this module, your members can invite their friends to a trial training session, in just a few clicks. In our cockpit, you can find detailed information about the leads generated and statistics on the success of your campaigns.

A win-win situation – as your members promote your studio to their friends, who in the best case become new customers, and members have direct training partners who promote long-term memberships. This shows that the focus on member retention, but also generates new members; a cycle that creates consistent revenue for you.

Innovatise ist Pionier im Bereich mobiles Marketing und Erschaffer von myFitApp, einer offenen, flexiblen, unabhängigen und digitalen Marketing-Plattform für die Fitness-Branche. Fitnessstudios und -ketten nutzen myFitApp, um ihre Marke zu stärken, Mitglieder zu binden, neue zu gewinnen und den Umsatz mit der einzigartigen Kraft des Smartphones zu steigern.

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Fitness industry trends 2022

Fitness industry trends 2022

Fitness industry trends 2022

We’re almost through the first month of 2022! In this blog, we’re looking at trends for the fitness industry that are sure to keep us all busy this year. Since the pandemic, it is clear that the rapid digitalisation of the industry has created many new opportunities for gyms and leisure centres.

Some trends show how important new technologies have become for training. But most people are still motivated, not only by their smartphones, but also by a sense of community or training with others.

Here’s six trends to keep in mind, this year…

1. Hybrid memberships

Let’s start with the obvious – online workouts are an essential part of gym memberships now. Online workouts offer members full flexibility and the opportunity to keep up their training routines regardless of location.

In one way or another, many have already implemented this. And the number of online training providers is growing fast.

With our myFitApp@home platform, you can become a professional provider of online workouts for your members. This gives future members another incentive to choose your gym.

We also offer a content marketplace with videos from WEXER and LES MILLS, where you can integrate over 1,000 additional videos into your collections and generate additional revenue.

2. Work-life balance with mini workouts

Our lives are full of commitments – family, friends, job etc. Exercise and a healthy lifestyle help to cope with daily challenges and stresses. But, how do your members find time to work out in the gym?

Mini-workouts are the answer! Frequent, smaller exercises or routines, specifically geared towards efficiency, such as HIIT, help your members stay fit whilst not consuming too much of their time. Due to the increase in working from home, many people are now using their lunch break for a short workout.

3. Mindfulness – recovery and stress management

Members who already juggle training, a stressful job and a thriving social life often forget to listen to their bodies, take care of their mental health and recover.

yoga-meditation-trends-2022 Stressmanagement

4. Digital only memberships

With the increasing availability of online workouts, working out at home is becoming more and more popular. But the gym around the corner is not a place of the past. With purely digital memberships, it is possible to try out the gym’s class programme, for example. This is helpful for those who may be lacking confidence and want a taster of the studio experience, somewhere they feel more comfortable.

If your gym has a good range of online workouts, you’ll open up new sales opportunities. Different membership models can be used to meet different members’ needs.

With myFitApp@home you can also integrate in-app purchases to attract new, solely digital members. The next step for your digital only members would be the transformation to a hybrid membership. Or you can offer digital membership as an alternative to members who want to cancel.

5. Gamification  

Gamification refers to a fun incentive to motivate oneself – in the gym’s case – for health and to establish fitness habits more easily. For example, why not create some challenges for members:

  • Who took the most steps in a week?
  • Who burned the most calories?
  • Who can do the most burpees?

Whether with one person, a group of friends or other app users, the fun and social component increases member motivation, and keeps them in, and coming back to, your centre!

There are also solutions for those who don’t enjoy competition. Most smartphones already have health apps or step counters installed. Users can set, track and document their own fitness goals and receive positive feedback from the app when they achieve their daily goals or set new records.

Our customers’ apps have the option of being linked to all the common health apps. The user then has the option of sharing their fitness progress in and outside of the gym in the club’s app as well.

6. Bodyweight exercises and the great outdoors

A trend that has also developed in recent years is exercising purely with bodyweight – often in combination with being outdoors. Maybe since the ‘one walk a day’ and gym closures during the pandemic. Lots of cities are responding to this trend and building calisthenics parks.

Calisthenics Park Outdoor fitness trends 2022


Want to know more about how you can implement some of these trends we’ve predicted for 2022 with the myFitApp@home platform?

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Chat now available for streams

Chat now available for streams

Chat stream

Chat now available for streams 

Chat for streams is now available in your @home solution. Before, during and even after the stream, trainers and members can chat and give feedback through emoji storms without much typing – for a training experience as close as possible to the one in the studio!

This takes the community effect of your hybrid workouts to the next level.


Put your members at the centre

Since the pandemic, members want the best of both worlds. They want the flexibility of working out from home, but as well as going into the gym they trust. Members want the flexibility and that’s where the myFitApp@home solution comes in.

To create an attractive and high-quality training experience for members, like in the gym, the streams in @home are in HD quality and best stereo sound. The new chat feature in streams extends the vision of hybrid classes.

The exchange in the chat and the feedback via emoji storms creates a community effect between members and trainers, similar to the one in the studio. Members have another reason to stay motivated with their workout routine from home.


Create a sense of community

The new chat function in livestreams offers you the opportunity to get immediate feedback from your members. Trainers can also respond directly to questions and comments from class participants.

The positive class atmosphere is supported by flying hearts, smileys and thumbs from the emoji stream.

As a very personal form of feedback, chat is fun for all participants, increases motivation and strengthens member loyalty – it is the ultimate way to motivate members.

Learn more about @home and chat

Transform your user experience with myfitApp@home and stream chat and contact us!

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Hybrid fitness realised: Our partnership with Wexer

Hybrid fitness realised: Our partnership with Wexer

WEXER Video Workout at Home

Hybrid fitness realised: Our partnership with Wexer

Today we proudly announce our latest partnership with Wexer! From now on, those who have our branded member apps will be able to offer Wexer’s high-quality videos to their customers in their video libraries.

As market leader in digital fitness, Wexer offers exclusive workouts. Therefore, your own video collection in myFitApp@home can be expanded with the over 700 curated workouts from Wexer! And this happens completely seamlessly and monetisable.

This means that in addition to your own on-demand videos, livestreams and restreams, Wexer content can also be made available for digital memberships. For guests, club operators can generate additional revenue via a one-click subscription function.

You are currently viewing a placeholder content from Vimeo. To access the actual content, click the button below. Please note that doing so will share data with third-party providers.

More Information

myFitApp@home – the fitness revolution

Thanks to myFitApp@home, members can be provided with all the clubs’s videos. Therefore they can easily stay fit from home or give other courses a go.

For club operators, this means above all that they can extend their memberships to home and thus make them more attractive. This helps to retain members in the long run.

The Wexer videos are ideal for expanding your own video library and making your work easier. In particular, members are offered a wide range of workouts.

The first club operators already benefit from the partnership!

We wanted a way to complement our digital offering in our app with professionally produced content and monetise it using our existing membership infrastructure and that’s exactly what this does.

Iain Hayes

IT Director, Halo


If you want to know more about myFitApp@home and Wexer Content, just contact us!

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