Product Update: August 2023

Product Update: August 2023

Product update: August 23

Find out what’s new for myFitApp.

Below are any new releases and updates to the product, from May, June and July.

1. Updated logic and wording where booking sessions are not available

When using the calendar view for bookings, and there are no bookable sessions available for the day the message displayed has been updated to a clear, more user friendly message for app users.

Requires app update – this is available from app versions: Android 105.51, iOS 106.59

2. Updated display for bookings with no spaces

When there are no available spaces in a booking session the logic and wording displayed has been updated to make this clearer for app users. We now display “Full” where there are no spaces available for both the list and calendar views.

Requires app update – this is available from app versions: Android 106.55, iOS 106.55

Booking with no space
Additional booking details

3. Additional booking details displayed

We now show the price and number of tickets in the Detail page of purchased ticketed activities.

This gives the user greater visibility about the purchase they have made.

Requires app update – this is available from app versions: Android 105.56, iOS 106.56

Additional booking details

4. Addition of waitlist alerts with Marketing Automation+

A new campaign type has been added to Marketing Automation to enable triggered push notifications when spaces on a class waitlist become available. 

This feature works where a booking is cancelled via the app creating a space, and the user has added themselves to the wait list via the app. Cancellations, or additions to the wait list carried out in centre or online will not be considered as part of the alerts. This also operates using the fastest finger first approach, therefore whoever reacts to the alert quickest will be booked into the space. 

* This new campaign type is available as part of Marketing Automation+ which will need to be enabled by our team, once enabled will be available to the Account Admins user roles.

5. Additional language

  • Your app can now support the Norwegian language

Requires app update – this is available from app versions: Android 105.61, iOS 106.70.

6. Additional data points for access control dashboards and reports

We have added further data points to the existing access control dashboard and reports available within the cockpit. The data now includes:
  • QR/NFC split
  • Total scans plus breakdown of successful / failed scans
We now also order the club dropdown list for “Scan by Clubs” page in alphabetical order

7. Additional text and formatting options for Account Deletion

UI updates have been applied to the Account Deletion function, you are now able to configure:
  • Text to explain the function and the impact of making the request
  • Option to hyperlink out to a URL where you might want to navigate to your privacy policy or FAQs on the website
  • Additional text linked to a tickbox for the user to complete a further check before requesting the deletion

Requires app update – this is available from app versions: Android 105.51, iOS 106.61.

*We will soon be adding the ability to configure the text shown on the current “Account Deletion” action button – look out for this later in the month.

8. Inverted QR code option for access control 

We have added the option for inverted QR codes to now be recognised, previously Android could not recognise these.

Requires app update – this is available from app versions: Android 105.48

9. Timetable web widgets supported by club level settings

Web widgets used for plugging in timetables to your website and other browser based devices can now be configured at a club level.

10. Ability to set a custom colour theme in the cockpit

We have given cockpit users the ability to create custom colour themes within the configuration of each club in the cockpit. Previously, we would need to add these for you.

To access the configuration for this, you will need to edit a club and then navigate to the “Appearance” tab.

Custom colour in cockpit

Find out more about myFitApp

Discover the opportunities of a branded member app. Or, if you’ve got a question – use the chat button in the bottom right hand corner to speak to our friendly team.

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5 reasons gym members leave and how to keep them

5 reasons gym members leave and how to keep them

5 reasons gym members leave and how to keep them

We’ve all heard the old adage that “people join gyms, but they don’t use them.” Some people stick around for a few months and then leave, others get into a routine and stay for years. But why does this happen? And what can gyms do about it?

According to statistics from the fitness industry, up to 80% of new gym members don’t use their membership regularly after six months. In this blog, we’ll look at some of the main reasons people stop using a fitness centre or gym and provide tips on how to prevent these problems from happening on your watch.

Happy gym member boxing

1. No workout partner

One of the biggest reasons gym members leave is because they don’t have a workout partner. Having a friend to workout with helps people stay motivated.
To encourage this behaviour, you could offer a refer a friend scheme that rewards one member for referring a friend, work colleague or family member.

2. Not seeing results

Imagine you’ve got a member who has been training for a few weeks, but they’re not seeing the immediate results that they expected. They get frustrated and give up.

You need to show them that it takes time to see results and encourage them by setting them small milestones along the way, getting them into a habit and extending their membership lifetime value.

This is where your personal training staff can come in – when new members join, why not offer them a free PT session where they can set a programme for several months or weeks. This gives your new member motivation and enough time to get into a new routine. You can introduce new members to your staff via a member app and they can even book their PT slot in a couple of minutes on their phone.

3. They don’t feel connected to the gym and/or its members

Why not set up some events in your club room or café and get members to meet other like-minded people as well as your staff. Keeping individuals engaged will make them feel connected and give them a sense of community – enhancing the value of their membership.

You can advertise your events around the centre or on your app – it’s easy to send news with push notifications straight to your members’ phones.

4. Lack of time

When members have busy lives and limited time to train, they may feel like they’re not getting the best return on their membership. In this case, it’s important for gyms to offer digital fitness solutions that enable members to work out from home or on-the-go. This will ensure that their workouts remain consistent even when they’re travelling or have other commitments outside of the gym.

  • A digital fitness solution can offer a variety of different exercises so members don’t get bored with doing the same thing over and over again (this can be particularly helpful if someone is new to working out)
  • You can also use your digital solution to share recipes and wellness videos – this will add to your members’ overall health and lifestyle changes making them feel like they can’t live without your membership!

5. They don’t feel motivated or rewarded

Gyms should consider using rewards as part of their retention strategy, they’re a powerful motivator and keeps your members coming back day after day.

You can use an app to track rewards – for example using the app to check in to classes or scan in to the gym, once the member attends 10 times, they get a free coffee in the café. The reward should be relevant and meaningful to your members to increase the chances that they work towards completing the goals you set them.

If you’re a gym owner or manager, the takeaway here is that it’s important to keep your members engaged and motivated. If they feel like they’re not getting what they need out of their membership, then there’s a good chance they’ll leave and either give up on fitness completely or go somewhere else where they do feel valued. If you want to keep your members, you need to make sure they’re engaged, motivated and having fun!

myFitApp can support with all the above. Get in touch for a demo today.

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5 ways to use an app to keep students engaged

5 ways to use an app to keep students engaged

5 ways to use an App to keep students engaged

In this day and age, it’s essential for educational facilities to embrace technology. Not only does this help you stay connected with students, but it also provides a way for you to better manage your facility’s resources. That’s where mobile apps come in!

Apps have quickly become a popular way to connect with students. They allow you to share information with everyone at once on their phones. Did you know, the average person in the UK uses their phone for four hours and 14 minutes per day? Why miss out on that opportunity!

Tipps für erfolgreiche Lead Gen Kampagnen 2 Frauen und ein Mann im Fitnessstudio unterhalten sich fröhlich über eine App

1. Use app push messages to communicate

When it comes to communicating with students, push notifications are a great way to get the word out. You can use them to announce events, classes and workshops; send out offers and discounts; or simply share information about your University.

  • In-app notifications have an open rate that’s three times higher than push notifications
  • They also increase app retention rates by up to 10x.

2. Use the app for facility access

There are several ways to use an app to keep students engaged, but one of the most effective is by using it for facility access. Why not get students or members to use the app to check in and out of facilities, activities, and events that they have signed up for.

This also helps with fraud prevention and security.

3. Use content marketing to share offers and events

You could also use your app to promote events, offers and other things that will be of interest to your students. Why not use in-App marketing to give out discount codes (e.g. for the sports shop), or invite them to events – from fitness clubs to monthly health and wellness seminars.

4. Offer app only content

Another way to use an app is to offer content that is not available anywhere else. This specifically drives traffic and usage.

Content can be anything from short how to videos to support your students in the gym, teaching them how to use each piece of equipment to cooking tutorials and nutritional advice. Students will be more likely to keep coming back if there are things stored in your app, that they can’t get anywhere else!

5. Use your app for bookings

Whether it’s a yoga class or a football pitch, you can use your app to make reservations for any type of activity that requires registration. If you’re using an online booking system, consider adding some additional functionality so students can see if there are still spots available before they sign up (and also so they can cancel without hassle).

We hope you now have some ideas on how you can use an app to engage students and make them feel more connected with your facility. If done right, your app can be an amazing tool that brings value to both students and staff alike!

We can support you with all the items covered in this blog. Find out more about our branded member App.

We can help with all items covered in this blog. Find out more about our Branded Member App.

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Save costs with an App

Save costs with an App

Save costs with an App

How can you save money and generate new income?

With rising costs, inflation and increasing demands of members, we’ve looked at some ways you can save your centre money.

Save your staff time

With a Branded Member App, you can save a lot of time and staff hours at your reception. When it comes to class bookings or cancellations, your members can do this independently via the App with an Event Calendar.

You can make everything bookable in your App. From classes to activities and even outdoor pitches – the possibilities are endless. 

Do you get calls asking for opening hours? Or maybe querying changes to the usual schedule due to bank holidays? These will be a thing of the past, as you can send all information and news directly as a push message to your members’ smartphones via Marketing Automation. 

Frau scannt QR-Code an der Rezeption im Fitnessstudio, Mitarbeiter unterstützt sie.

Reduce fraudulent entries

If your reception team spend time checking members in for classes or activities, or even letting people in when they’ve left their membership card at home – you can combat this with Access Control. With tap or scan gym entry, your members can register attendance with just one click from their App! Not only does this save money in time, but also minimises fraudulent entries.  

Member retention

Retention is so important for keeping costs down! After all, sometimes it costs more to get new members than it does to keep current members! Why not use our @home platform to give additional content to members. These could be gym tours, how-to videos, workouts or even nutritional advice. 

Your trainers can use this space to promote their services and increase their own client base. Having additional offerings in your App increases the value of your membership enormously, makes your trainers even more approachable and helps your members to train more effectively, making them more likely to remain loyal.

Create new revenue streams

Attract new members through our Lead Generation tool. Create a campaign and then advertise it via your App. You can also save on printed materials whilst using your members as your very own sales team – they share your joining offer with a friend, colleague or family member and membership sign-ups will, in turn, increase.  

With In-App Purchase, you can monetise content from your @home solution. Make videos (workouts, recipes, how-to’s etc) available to interested parties or non-premium members behind a paywall.

Want to find out more?

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Elevate App provider: Second year running

Elevate App provider: Second year running

Official Elevate App provider

For the second year

For the second year in a row, we are delighted to be working with the UK’s largest trade show dedicated to physical activity, fitness and sports therapy, Elevate.

Elevate App design 23

Like last year, the App not only allows visitors access to everything they need – from stand and speaker information, to the event programme and floor plan, it also opens up marketing and advertising opportunities for exhibitors. From promo banners, to prize draws and the exhibitor list, the App is a one-stop-shop for the two day trade show in London.

Visitors and exhibitors are encouraged to download the App, prior to the event, where Elevate will share all the latest news and information via push notifications and message conversations, straight to your phone. Say goodbye to a tannoy on the day – all important notices can be sent directly to attendee’s mobile phones, via myFitApp’s Marketing Automation module. Keeping them up to date with live show information.

myFitApp are exhibiting at Elevate at the ExCel London on 14th and 15th June. Come and visit us at stand H21.

Download the App now!

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myFitApp expands into US

myFitApp expands into US

myFitApp expands into US

With TITLE Boxing

We’re delighted to announce our first customers in USA. With ClubReady, we have launched our eight clubs – TITLE Boxing, Pulse Performance, Vital Stretch, Box Union Studio, Power 4 Pilates, Twisted Cycle, VP Fitness and XGT Fitness. They have all launched their new Branded Member Apps powered by myFitApp and ClubReady, the leading provider of full-suite studio fitness and wellness club management software.

TITLE Boxing iPhone images

The combined power of software enables clubs to retain members, acquire new ones, and upsell existing members with a wide range of additional features. These include a digital fitness offering, myFitApp@home, where clubs can stream live and on-demand videos to their members at home, and Access Control where members can use their smartphone to enter their club.

    “We’re delighted to have our brand new App up and running with myFitApp / ClubReady. After a successful launch with our franchisees, members can now book a bag, access a whole host of workouts with TITLE On-Demand, refer their friends, know the class programming to expect in class through our focus of the week, access our challenges and so much more. The member dashboard, showing how many classes a user has attended increases motivation and will lead to rewards. The App is branded, customisable and flexible making it super easy for us to manage.”


    Todd Wadler, CEO, TITLE Boxing Club

    The new App launches not only mark the first in the ClubReady partnership but also the first US customers for myFitApp, expanding on the 2,400+ sites using the platform across the world.

    “It’s great to see eight successful customers launch their new Apps and we are delighted to extend our customer base and provide the US fitness industry with a powerful solution that delivers an outstanding user experience & marketing platform. It’s great to be working with world-renowned clubs like TITLE Boxing. The combination of myFitApp and ClubReady is game changing, and we look forward to transforming more clubs across the US.”


    Jonathan Cooke, Chief Commercial Officer, myFitApp

    Find out more about our Branded Member App

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