Why are existing customers so important?
Why are existing
so important?
In the fitness world we often hear of centres with a lack of new customers or a decline in new memberships. As a result, changes, marketing and offers are geared towards attracting new customers.
Acquiring new customers is definitely an essential part of a functioning marketing strategy for fitness centres, but few talk about the members who stay – even during the hard times. Since the pandemic, the differences have become apparent; centres that are only trying to attract new customers vs those trying to keep a relationship with current customers by creating options for their members.
Realigning your focus
Focusing on existing customers is cheaper than focusing only on new customers. Winning new memberships can be expensive and time-consuming. Marketing campaigns and offers cost time, money and effort. New members also mean more effort for your trainers, and you’ll need to continue to manage to keep these members.
Therefore, it is essential to focus on member retention. Our fitness business platform myFitApp can help you succeed with customer retention.
Social interaction
People trust people 😁. This means that any social interaction binds members to your gym.
Over 50% of customers are more likely to renew their contract if they train with friends and take part in classes or even make new friends in your centre. Contact with your trainers and staff also promotes member loyalty.
With our myFitApp@home platform, members can stay in touch through chat in streams and motivate and support each other. They can also make appointments for training or livestreams. In addition, they can train with their favourite trainers, unique to your gym.
Consistent communication
Here is where your marketing campaigns and other communications come into play. Interaction and touchpoints via social media, App messages, etc. double the likelihood of members becoming your brand ambassadors.
Through myFitApp, you can reach members anytime, anywhere. With news and updates on class changes, they are always up to date. Our Event Schedule helps your members book classes on their own and is a reliable source of information about when, where and with which trainer classes are taking place.
Through Marketing Automation, members receive the latest information and updates about your gym or leisure centre directly on their lock screen. And most importantly, they see if there are any unread messages as soon as they open the App. This creates a closeness and involves members in the gym activities.
Everyone benefits
All of these factors lead to your members remaining loyal to your centre. They are satisfied, which increases the likelihood that they will promote your gym and become brand ambassadors.
This is made very easy with our Lead Generation solution.With this module, your members can invite their friends to a trial training session, in just a few clicks. In our cockpit, you can find detailed information about the leads generated and statistics on the success of your campaigns.
A win-win situation – as your members promote your studio to their friends, who in the best case become new customers, and members have direct training partners who promote long-term memberships. This shows that the focus on member retention, but also generates new members; a cycle that creates consistent revenue for you.
Innovatise ist Pionier im Bereich mobiles Marketing und Erschaffer von myFitApp, einer offenen, flexiblen, unabhängigen und digitalen Marketing-Plattform für die Fitness-Branche. Fitnessstudios und -ketten nutzen myFitApp, um ihre Marke zu stärken, Mitglieder zu binden, neue zu gewinnen und den Umsatz mit der einzigartigen Kraft des Smartphones zu steigern.

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